Monday, January 6, 2014

Happy New Year 2014

This week was a great week! Especially compared to the really slow weeks that we have had the last few weeks. The beginning of the week was a little slow as we had to work through a few things and we did a lot of talking. But the last half of the week was really great and we got lots of work done. We also had a lot of fun this week and did lots of fun activities.

First of all, I learned how to play the harp.... Kind of. Sister Parker is this super cute lady in our ward who plays the harp beautifully and teaches harp lessons. We had dinner at her house one night and she taught us how to play a little bit. We felt pretty cool.

We also got to play ultimate frisbee twice this week, which was great. We played on Saturday, like we normally do, and we also got to play new year's morning because everyone was off of work. It was a lot of fun. There were lots of people on Wednesday, so the teams were huge, but it was still lots of fun. And I'm getting pretty dang good at it. I'm good at catching and I'm getting pretty good at throwing the frisbee, too. And seeing as we just run up and down the field the whole time, we get a really good work out, and so I'm getting in pretty good shape. It is my running for the week.  I have forgotten how much I love sports and I wish we could play frisbee every day.

 New Years Eve we spent a lot of time doing service. Every Tuesday, our district does service at a nature center. We pick up trash and weed and do a bunch stuff. It is fun. And that day was also transfers, so we got to know all of the new missionaries in our district while we were doing it. We ended up going on a trail that we didn't really recognize. Our district leader said he knew where he was going, but he didn't, so we got lost and walked a really long way in the wrong direction. Then after that we helped a family move out of our ward. We were at dinner that night, at the Knight's house, and a less-active that we have been visiting recently texted us. She is 21 and just had a baby girl about a month or so ago. She is having a rough time. She hasn't been active in a long time and doesn't seem very into anything religious. But she texted us on New Years Eve and asked if we could find somebody to give her baby a blessing because she has been sick and hasn't been sleeping at all. That was really cool. We turned to Brother Knight and asked if he knew who her home teachers were and it just so happened, that Brother Knight was her home teacher and he had been trying to get into their house for months. So he went that night and gave her baby a blessing. It was really cool how it all worked out so perfectly. The Lord knows what He is doing.

New Years day was fun. Not much missionary work happened. Like I said, the beginning of the week was slow because we were working through some things. My companion was having a really rough day and so we were trying to do things that would lift her spirits so that we could work hard the rest of the week. So we ended up spending most of New Years day at the Mann's house. The Mann's are a family in our ward who are awesome and we love them so much. They are Sister Liljenquist's favorite family, so spending time with them definitely lifted her spirits. Their son had just gotten married in Las Vegas and they were having an open house for him and his new wife on Saturday. So while we were over there we asked if they needed any help getting ready for it. So we ended up helping for awhile. Sister Liljenquist helped their daughter, Allison, make oreo balls. The two of them are best friends. And I ended up polishing leaves -- which by the way is a ridiculous job, on the ficus tree in their living room. Their 14 year old daughter, Sarah, came over and we did it together. We had a lot of fun and were cracking up laughing the whole time. It takes a lot of energy to polish leaves. We were completely exhausted by the end. We kept losing track of what branch we were on and what ones we had already done. And I kept hitting my head on the corner of their mantle. It was good bonding time. It was a lot of fun. We also had dinner with them. In the South they have a tradition that if you eat black-eyed peas on New Year's you will have a prosperous year. So we had black-eyed peas for dinner, as well as chili, macaroni and cheese, and corn bread. It was a really random dinner. But really good. It was a good day.

The end of the week we got lots of misisonary work done. We were able to visit recent converts, less-actives, and investigators that we haven't been able to see in a long time. We visited a recent convert, Amy, on Friday. She was having a really rough day and was very stressed and worried about a lot of things going on. She really appreciated our visit and said that we helped her morning be less miserable. A member told us that she even posted about it one facebook because it just made her whole day. It always feels good to know that people appreciate your visits and that we helped people feel the Spirit more. We also started teaching a less-active that we found a few weeks ago. We taught her the Restoration yesterday. She is really excited to read the Book of Mormon since she didn't read it at all when she was baptized in the 90's.

Things are going well. We are really excited about this week. Its going to be a great and succesfull week.

I hope everyone has a great week!


Sister Sylvester

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