This was the week of exchanges. I got to serve with four
different sisters, all at different times, this week.
On Tuesday night we swapped companions with Katy 2nd
sisters. Sis. Hassell stayed in Bear Creek with Sis. Peterson, and I went to
Katy 2nd with Sis. Lusk. However, I ended up spending most of the day with Sis.
Williams. I shall explain in the least confusing way I can. So I was in Katy
2nd for the day with Sis. Lusk. Over in Nottingham Country, they were also
doing exchanges. Sis. Williams, who usually serves in Katy 1st, was there on
exchanges with Sis. Colton. During companion study on Wednesday morning,
Nottingham sisters called us. Sis. Colton needed to go to the mission office to
do some stuff, and they don't have a car, so she needed Sis. Lusk to drive her.
Which means that while Sis. Lusk and Sis. Colton went to the mission office,
Sis. Williams and I were left to cover two areas, Katy 2nd and Nottingham --
two areas neither of us new anything about. So we hopped on the bikes they left
us and made it up as we went. We went tracting in the morning. Ate some lunch.
Then went to an appointment that Katy 2nd, had to paint nails at a senior
assisted living place. Just in case any of you didn't know, I don't paint my
nails, and I stink at it. I'm really. bad. at it. Sis. Williams is a pro (she
paints old ladies nails every week in her area) and did 4 ladies faster than I
did 1. The lady I was helping, Jane, was so cute and she had some good stories.
She was wearing red nail polish. So I cleaned it off, and cut and filed her
nails. And then what color did she pick to get her nails repainted? Red. Okay.
That's fine. Why did I take it off in the first place? So I started painting
one hand and it didn't look very good, so Sis. Williams finished it. I don't do
Then we decided to go contact some potential investigators
that Nottingham was going to check in on today. We plugged the first address
into the gps. It took us in circles and kept telling us to turn around and go
back the other way, no matter what we did. It was ridiculous. So we gave up on
that one and tried another one. They weren't interested. Sis. Lusk and Sis.
Colton got back at around 4 pm, so we rode back and Sis. Lusk and I spent the
rest of the night together. We visited one of their investigators and went to a
meeting. And then we switched back. It was fun. Sis. Williams and I both
enjoyed white washing an area for a day. And it was fun to get to know Sis.
Williams and Sis. Lusk.
I came home Wednesday night. Sis. Hassell hasn't been
feeling well for the past week or so. When I got back she was feeling worse,
and then Thursday morning she woke up and was really sick. So we were out of
commission for a couple of days. Thursday and Friday we spent in the apartment.
Sis. Hassell slept and I read Jesus the Christ. I love that book. Saturday, she
still needed to rest, but we were so sick of the apartment so visited a couple
of people and went to the library to do
time. That night, the Katy 2nd sisters (the ones we just went on exchanges
with) called. They had heard that sis. Hassell was sick, so they wanted to do
exchanges again. So I stayed in Bear Creek with Sis. Peterson, and Sis. Hassell
went with Sis. Lusk to Katy 2nd. Exchanges on Sundays are a little weird, but
fun. We just spent most of the day in meetings and at church and then visited a
couple of people at night before switching back companions. It was fun.
Everyone at church thought we had a new sister.
Church was really great though. One of the members that is
being reactivate, Sis. Armstrong, spoke. She is awesome. The Sapps have been
teaching her, preparing her to go to the temple. And we have visited with her a
couple of times, but mainly left it to the Sapps. She is going through the
Temple on Saturday. We are going with the Sapps and we are all very excited.
Another one of the less-actives we meet with, got pulled aside by a member of
the bishopric to talk about receiving a calling. Woohoo! And Leila came to
church, which is great since she hasn't come in a couple of weeks. And she met
with the Bishop. She is doing so great. Things are going really well with all
of the less-actives in the ward -- ours, the elders', and the Sapps'.
I am so grateful for Jesus Christ -- for all that He
suffered so that we can repent, and be forgiven, and live with Him and Heavenly
Father again; for the example He gave us in the life that He lived; for the
love He has for each of us; and for the relationship that I have with Him. I
love Him so much. I am so grateful that His church and the fullness of His
gospel have been restored to the earth. And I know that He will one day return
to earth, and what an amazing and blessed day that will be.
I hope ya'll have a great week!
Sister Sylvester
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